At Learning Creations we aim to bring all our clients to a state where comprehension and communication is part of everyday life and no longer a struggle. Each one is given the opportunity to enhance their capacity to learn and reach their true potential.
This involves a three or five day program for children over eight, teenagers and adults. Each program is one-on-one and includes specific elements designed to meet the client's particular needs.
It is recommended that most people attend review sessions where the client and their tutor meet with a program director or learning co-ordinator to check on progress. These usually take place at one, two, three, six and twelve months after completion of a program.
Each program includes some or all of the following:
- relaxation and focusing techniques
- movement activities
- sequencing
- auditory development
- visualisation and visual memory skills that are applied to the symbols and processes of literacy and numeracy
- clearing confusion with non-picture words such as: and, if, but, to, the, is, are, of, which, what, where, would
- specific visual spelling skills
- development of comfortable pencil grip and handwriting skills
- cultivation of confident story writing skills
- mind mapping techniques to assist with writing assignments and developing organisational skills
- exploring the meanings of words that assist the client in making meaning of life: change, consequence, control, choice, cooperation, consideration, sequence, time, motivation, responsibility
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We use a visual/kinesthetic approach where the creation of clay models is used as a tool to explore the meaning of words. Reading strategies assist with left to right eye movement, word scanning and letter tracking to help develop efficient reading skills. The ability to picture what is read promotes comprehension.
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The efficacy of the programs we offer is greatly dependent on the support of long-term follow up by parents or tutors. We advise all families to be prepared for follow up that will continue for between six months and two years. The first three months is of particular importance. Usually this requires a minimum of four one-hour sessions per week to ensure that the techniques begun in the program become embedded in the thinking processes and learning patterns of the child, teenager or adult. In this way they can develop into successful learners.
In order to comprehend maths concepts some of the factors we need are spatial awareness, ease and comfort with sequencing, and processing on a real and a symbolic level. If any of these are missing, confusion will occur.
We aim to develop the concept of ownership of the learning process. When
a child or adult moves from confusion and frustration to comprehension, they have developed a mastery of the process. The creation and manipulation of 3D objects results in understanding which is the foundation upon which our maths program is based.
We begin with the creation of 3-D learning materials using modelling clay. The materials are then named, organised, sorted, grouped, sequenced and used to generate full comprehension and a firm groundwork upon which the study of maths can be built.
We develop a strong visual and tactile awareness of base concepts in modelling clay. This knowledge is then transferred to symbols. Finally, when we see confidence and readiness, the traditional methods of pencil and paper are introduced.
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Our programs are designed around the strengths and weaknesses of each person. Maths often creates anxiety but we find that this is alleviated through a less traditional, multi sensory approach. We ensure that each maths concept is firmly embedded before the next is undertaken and in this way the confidence so necessary for enjoyment and future academic success is built.
Maths is included in the five day program but is also offered as an intensive three day program.
Early Learning
We have designed a program to suit the particular needs of Early Learners between the ages of 4 and 7 years, who are encountering difficulties at school or showing some signs of developmental delay.
The Early Learning program involves ten sessions, each two hours in length. The first five are on consecutive days followed by a break, then three consecutive days and a break with the final two sessions in the following weeks.
During this time we aim to help the child build focus, develop confidence with letters and numbers, and acquire good sequencing and pre-reading skills.
We use multi sensory methods wherever possible. We use clay in particular to help the child create a sense of ownership in their own learning. We incorporate, wherever necessary, elements of our Developmental work in our programs.
Follow up
The follow up process is essential to the success of our programs. There are two different aspects: home tutoring, as well as review sessions at our centre.
Home Tutoring
The new tools learned in the program will only become a part of the regular learning process if a commitment is made to doing at least four one-hour follow up sessions each week.
This is necessary for at least three months. It may then be possible to lessen the number of weekly sessions, depending on progress.
A parent or tutor can supervise these sessions, for which activities and guidelines will be given during the program. If required, we can provide a trained tutor, depending on availability in your area. It is essential that the person taking on the task of tutoring has no learning difficulties themselves.
While there are sometimes difficulties in scheduling follow up sessions into a busy family life, it is essential to commit to including follow-up work in order to benefit from the program.
Review Sessions at the Centre
It is recommended that most people attend review sessions where the client and their tutor meet with the program director to check on progress. These usually take place at one, two, three, six and twelve months after completion of their program. This gives an opportunity to ensure that progress is continuing and that the skills learned in the program are being integrated into the regular learning processes.